Thursday, October 9, 2014

Sydney is 4

Our little Sydney is 4! She was SO excited about her Frozen party.

Sydney is so much fun. You most often will find her in a princess dress. Most of them are so worn they look like rags. She wears them outside to play, to the grocery store, sometimes to church, and even to bed. (Thank goodness she did get a few new ones at her party!) She has a laugh that will make anyone start laughing. She loves princesses, stuffed animals, the colors pink & blue, anything that sparkles, playing outside, coloring, and just making a mess! Keeping things cleaned up is not a priority to her! haha She doesn't really like the idea of being a "Big Girl" She actually reminds us sometimes that she is still little. (And that's fine with us!)


Wyatt had to have an Olaf shirt!

Oma and her sister Margaret 

She was so excited!

The amazing Frozen castle cake Grandma made!
We had snowcones (Sydney's #1 party request this year!) That's why her lips were blue!
I made an Olaf piƱata...Sydney loved it!

Sydney's princess dress wardrobe her Pawpaw made.
Wyatt and Great Pawpaw