Thursday, April 22, 2010

Not packing up the pink stuff yet....

I am pretty sure everyone has heard by now, but if not.....We are having a girl! We went yesterday for the ultrasound. Shawna had them look twice just to make sure. The photo above is of her looking at us. She still looks like an alien. The due date is still set for September 6!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Easter 2010

This was Rylynne's 2nd Easter. I had fun dressing her up (she would have rather just stayed in her diaper. She didn't like it that the dress poofed up when she was in her carseat and she had a hard time crawling in it!)

We started the day at church then heading to Grandma & Papa's for lunch. We then went to Shawna's aunt & uncle's house for a little Easter Egg Hunt. I am thinking she will be a little more into it next year!

Here are a few photos. I realized later that I did not get many with Shawna's family. I will have to borrow his mom's camera sometime!

And yes, Suzie is still a big part of our life! Here is her Easter picture with her hairbows in!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

1st Easter Egg Hunt (attempt!)

I took Rylynne this morning to the church for the Easter Egg Hunt. She did pick up the eggs. She also kept taking them out of her basket. haha She was more interested in the pinebark on the playground than the eggs.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Slide Time!

Rylynne loves her new slide she got for her Birthday. The only problem is she is still too little to understand that she can fall off things & get hurt and she is very brave! She thinks she can do it by herself. So, the slide stays put up unless Shawna or I are where we can help her!

Rylynne is One!

I really didn't get alot of photos with my camera, but here are a few from Rylynne's party. We all had a great time with family and friends. Rylynne had no clue it was all for her, but she did seem to enjoy it!

Great Grandmother Connell & Oma Strickland
Great Pawpaw & Grandmother Swafford

Opening Presents!

The Scharlows & Stricklands

Grandma made the cake! It turned out so cute!