Sydney's first month here went WAY too fast! In one way it seems like she just got here, but in another way it seems like she has always been here and I can't remember what it was like without her! She now weighs 10 lbs and is 22 inches long. I had to move her from newborn diapers to size 1 yesterday. I had kept her in the newborn as long as I could. She has smiled at us a few times now and is starting to stay awake alittle more. She is definitely growing!
Rylynne is now 18 months or 1 1/2 years old! Where has the time gone?!? Looking back in her baby book, this time last year she was learning to sit-up she is running everywhere! She went to the doctor for her check up and is now 29 lbs and 34.5 inches tall! She is turning into a little clown! Her Papa (my dad) has taught her to "Put Up her Dukes." She thinks it really funny. She also has a new face she does to try and make us laugh. She has figured out how to make us laugh and that makes it real hard when we try telling her no and be serious! She has got us figured out! It's amazing to me the things she now understands and can do. I can ask her to go get her shoes and she will go get them and bring them to me! Oh, and she loves Suzie! She tries to get Suzie to chase her and play all the time.
Here are some pictures taken over the past month.
Rylynne Putting Up her Dukes
Oh how sweet! My fav pics have to be the one of Sydney with Shawna and the two girls together! They grow up so fast :)