Friday, September 17, 2010

Life with 2 little girls....

Things have actually been going pretty good! Rylynne has her moments of wanting extra attention, but overall she is doing great. She has put new meaning to "into everything" lately though. For example, just yesterday I caught her dipping her snack bowl into Suzie's water and enjoying a nice drink, I found her splashing in the toilet and half her head was wet (with toilet water!), and she emptied out Sydney's drawers! haha She is a mess!

Sydney is doing good. She is sleeping pretty good at night. She is having a few stomach issues so we are working on finding the right formula. We really are enjoying them. Suzie is doing good too. Anytime Sydney cries she is right there to see what's wrong!

1st Visit with Oma Strickland

1st Visit with Grammie & Pawpaw Scharlow

Finally was able to capture Rylynne when we were asking the blessing!

Uncle Brian

Look at that Hair! This is what it looks like after a bath! haha

1 comment:

  1. OMGosh!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the prayer picture!! Sooo cute!! And I LOVE the after bath picture! Your girls are just precious!! I don't know if you've tried it, but we give Macie the Enfamil Gentlease and she is like a different baby! She constantly screamed when she was drinking Similac and now she is the happiest, sweetest baby!! It stinks and stains, but I can so deal with that better than a screaming baby!! Just a thought!! Congratulations again!! They are just too cute!!
