Sunday, November 11, 2012

October at a Glance

October has been a busy month! Pumpkin patch field trips, Suzie's 5th Birthday, Shawna's 33rd Birthday, Brian's 29th Birthday, and of course Halloween!

Here are some pictures from the month! There were so many cute ones, but I tried to narrow it down!

Suzie's 5th Birthday. This really should have been a full blog post alone. The party was complete with balloons, ice cream, and candles! And yes, Suzie had her own bowl of ice cream! After all, she was our first baby. She has been such a great dog sister to Rylynne & Sydney. She lets them do pretty much anything and just goes along with it. (Giving me the "Save Me" look from time to time!)

Sydney's 1st Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch! She had so much fun! It was just Mommy & Sydney time and I really think she enjoyed it. It was so cute seeing her playing with her friends.


Rylynne's Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch! Her field trip changed a little when I got up that morning and realized someone had gotten into my car taking my wallet! So it was just not a good day! Grandma came to the rescue and took Rylynne to the pumpkin patch while I finished getting things canceled with my cards. By that time it was too late to take Sydney to school so I just took her to the Pumpkin Patch with me. Rylynne had a great time though. She LOVED the jumping pillow! 

Look how excited she was jumping!

Pumpkin Carving!!! The girls had a great time helping Shawna with the pumpkin. They actually touched some of the pumpkin insides this year. 
Yes, Sydney had to wear her princess dress for the pumpkin carving!

Shawna's Birthday! We celebrated before heading out to Trick or Treat! 

Last, but not least....HALLOWEEN! I just knew this was the year I was going to have to give up my cute costumes and buy Princess dressed, but Rylynne surprised me! I asked her what she wanted to be and she said "I'm going to be pumpkin and Sydney can be a cat!" Really?!?! I couldn't believe it. It sounded good to me! They were the cutest pumpkin and black cat! We went to 2 church fall festivals and trick-or-treating. So we got LOADS of candy!

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