Monday, November 12, 2012

It's Santa & Pink Pig time!

I know it always sounds early, but we love going to see Santa and ride the Pink Pig before Thanksgiving. There are no lines, Santa spends extra time with the girls, weekends between Thanksgiving and Christmas as always it's just perfect! At least for now. I'm sure when the girls get a little old they may want to start waiting till after Thanksgiving. Until then...we will stick to our plan!
This is the first year that Rylynne is REALLY excited! She has been naming things for the past couple of months that she wants Santa to bring her on Christmas. I told her to the other day we were going to stop watching TV...the list is getting longer and they keep advertising more toys! The number one thing on her list...a TRACTOR. Power Wheels tractor that is. A friend of mines little boy has one and when she saw it this Summer she knew it was what she wanted. haha Shawna couldn't be more proud! The other main items on her list...PlayDoh ball maker (AKA Playdoh Candy Cyclone), Doctor Doll, Rapunzel anything but especially a dress and tower, and several more things. I had written out a list for Santa but she told me no, she wanted to write the list. So I put her name at the top and she went from there!
Sydney was excited when she saw Santa and anytime you ask her about Santa Claus she'll say "Ho Ho Ho!" It's so cute! She isn't really at the age yet to know what she wants, but pretty much anything Rylynne has...she wants! So her list is similar. Minnie Mouse Power Wheels car, Cinderella Dress & Doll, Doc McStuffins Doctor Kit & Doll, and anything else cute I see!
They both loved the Pink Pig! Sydney wasn't sure at times, but it ended with her smiling! It's so fun having this tradition with them. I always went growing up too!

 The Lists!
About the see Santa Claus!
This was the first year they both sat in his lap together without Shawna and I!
We were so proud of them!

Looking Back....
2009 (We saw Santa at Bass Pro that year)


 The Pink Pig!

It's hard to believe we use to fit in mom and dad included!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Uncle Brian for State House!

For the past few months Brian has been working hard with his campaign for State House! Rylynne has loved trying to see how many Uncle Brian signs she can find when we are out. If you are from this area you know she has had plenty to count! His signs were EVERYWHERE!

This is something he loves and has wanted to get into for awhile. I'm not too into politics as far as wanting to hold a position. I did enjoy some of the behind the scenes stuff like helping design his sign, going door to door, and sign waving! I'll leave the rest of it to him!

It's been a long few months with lots of hard work from Brian, our family, and friends. On November 6 it paid off! He won! He will serve as State House Representative for District 111! We are all so proud of him. This was his first time running for any political position. He's only 29 and I'm sure this is just the beginning for him. Can't wait to see what the future holds!

October at a Glance

October has been a busy month! Pumpkin patch field trips, Suzie's 5th Birthday, Shawna's 33rd Birthday, Brian's 29th Birthday, and of course Halloween!

Here are some pictures from the month! There were so many cute ones, but I tried to narrow it down!

Suzie's 5th Birthday. This really should have been a full blog post alone. The party was complete with balloons, ice cream, and candles! And yes, Suzie had her own bowl of ice cream! After all, she was our first baby. She has been such a great dog sister to Rylynne & Sydney. She lets them do pretty much anything and just goes along with it. (Giving me the "Save Me" look from time to time!)

Sydney's 1st Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch! She had so much fun! It was just Mommy & Sydney time and I really think she enjoyed it. It was so cute seeing her playing with her friends.


Rylynne's Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch! Her field trip changed a little when I got up that morning and realized someone had gotten into my car taking my wallet! So it was just not a good day! Grandma came to the rescue and took Rylynne to the pumpkin patch while I finished getting things canceled with my cards. By that time it was too late to take Sydney to school so I just took her to the Pumpkin Patch with me. Rylynne had a great time though. She LOVED the jumping pillow! 

Look how excited she was jumping!

Pumpkin Carving!!! The girls had a great time helping Shawna with the pumpkin. They actually touched some of the pumpkin insides this year. 
Yes, Sydney had to wear her princess dress for the pumpkin carving!

Shawna's Birthday! We celebrated before heading out to Trick or Treat! 

Last, but not least....HALLOWEEN! I just knew this was the year I was going to have to give up my cute costumes and buy Princess dressed, but Rylynne surprised me! I asked her what she wanted to be and she said "I'm going to be pumpkin and Sydney can be a cat!" Really?!?! I couldn't believe it. It sounded good to me! They were the cutest pumpkin and black cat! We went to 2 church fall festivals and trick-or-treating. So we got LOADS of candy!