Meet Wyatt Lee Scharlow! Born October 11, 2013 at 1:51pm. Weighed 8lbs 8.5oz; 21 inches long!
Both Rylynne and Sydney were born 2 days before their due dates and I went into labor on my own. Being my 3rd pregnancy we all thought I would go before the due date, but Wyatt had a different plan. He was happy right where he was! I went to the doctor on my due date and I was dilated to a 4, but no signs of labor so they asked if I wanted to schedule an induction...and I said YES!
We were so excited to finally see what he looked like! We were so surprised to see only a little hair and it's blonde! (The girls had a head full of black hair.) Of course he shares the same cute little nose as the girls do.
Rylynne & Sydney have been talking about "Baby Wyatt" for months! They were prepared to meet him with their big sister shirts and gifts that they picked out. Rylynne picked a cute blue hippo and Sydney was so proud of her big gator.
Rylynne fell in love with him...wanted to hold him...touch his nose...rub his head....SO CUTE! Sydney, well, she didn't even want to look at him! She did finally take a few peeks but would not touch him! I will say she was really tired and not sure of the hospital scene. So I can't wait to get home and see what she thinks. haha
Wyatt is now a little older than 24 hours and such a cute little boy! We love his chubby cheeks and double chin! We are hoping to be heading home in the morning! His jaundice levels were too high for us to go home today as planned.
We love our new family of 5 (6 including Suzie! I know she will be happy to see him too! And HAPPY 6th BIRTHDAY to Suzie!!!)