Monday, May 23, 2011

Last Day of Mom's Day Out!

I can't believe Rylynne's "school" year has come to an end! She has loved it! Playing, learning songs, art projects... Not once did she ever ask to not go.

Last Thursday was her last day! We have decided to let her go again next year too. She will be in what they call 2k for 3 morning a week. I am sure she will be ready to go back when it starts in the Fall!

1st Day of Mom's Day Out in August

Last Day of Mom's Day Out....Look how much she has grown!

Rylynne with Ms. Susan

Rylynne with Ms. Amy

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

On the Move...

Sydney is now on the move! She started crawling on Mother's Day while we were all at Brian's house. She had been trying really hard for a few days but just kept going backwards. She is getting more and more comfortable with it now. Today she came crawling looking for me while I was getting ready.

AND, tonight she pulled up! She has been pulling herself up on her knees for a few weeks, but she finally made it to her feet tonight. So it's time to lower the crib now and remove the mobile. Our little baby is growing way too fast!

Rylynne had a big day too! I wish this photo was a little better (I think a bigger camera may go on my Christmas list this year!) but anyway, she had her "End of the Year" program today! They were so cute. They got off to a rough start when one of her classmates fell face first going on a stage and another little boy starting screaming crying when he saw his Dad. I think they were all in a daze on stage, but they were still really cute!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Mother's Day Gift...A Trip to the Aquarium!

This year Shawna asked me what I wanted for Mother's Day. I told him I just wanted a family day on Saturday, so we decided to go the Georgia Aquarium. We had a great time! Rylynne and Sydney were in a daze for about the first 15 minutes as they looked around. It really was a great trip! We all really enjoyed it!

Trying to pet the Sting Rays...Rylynne thought it was fun to splash.

There were tunnels you could climb through to get really close to the Penguins. When we popped our head up to get an up close look Rylynne yelled "Chickens!" haha

Sydney would turn and smile as the fish went by her.

A White Alligator.

"Gold Fish" Rylynne says as she points out the Whale Shark. haha

I really thought Sydney would be bored, but she enjoyed looking too!

For those who have witnessed her excitement over the train at Southern Pit....this was pretty close to being worse! haha

Sydney had seen enough fish!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Our Little Sydney

Sydney is now 8 months old! She really has become a great baby! She just started saying Dada, tries pulling up all the time (she gets herself up onto her knees), is almost crawling, can sit herself up from laying down, smiles a little shy smile when someone says hello and lays her head on my shoulder, is very attached to her Mama, likes Puffs, and still adores her big sister!

A little update on Rylynne. She has really started coming out more and more with her vocabulary! She likes to "read" to us, can almost spell her name (she always forgets there are 2 Ns), loves trying to sing songs, and gets very frustrated when we don't understand what she is trying to tell us!

1 Month

2 Months

3 Months

4 Months

5 Months

6 Months

7 Months

8 Months

Rylynne 2 Years Old (25 Months) & Sydney 8 Months

Friday, May 6, 2011

Easter 2011

Easter was really busy this year! The girls went to 6 Easter Egg hunts! One with Rylynne's class, the Church, Strong Rock, Our Neighbors, my family, & Shawna's family! By the last one Rylynne was an expert! haha

Shawna and I also decided to dye eggs with the girls one night. That was interesting and more stressful than I imagined. Sydney kept trying to get the dye and she took a bite out of one of the eggs and Rylynne kept squeezing the eggs too hard while trying to decorate. Let's just say we ended up with all but maybe 2 being cracked. But they had fun!

Easter Sunday we gave the girls their Easter Baskets then headed off the church to celebrate the real meaning of Easter. After church we enjoyed lunch at my parents house and an egg hunt. We then went to Shawna's family Easter gathering for the girls to hunt with their "cousins."

Here are a some of the photos taken over our Easter weekend!